information contained herein is confidential/trade secret information of tifco industries, inc. reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited. Welding / Brazing / Soldering Welding electrodeS ApplicAtion Guide, Assortments, stud pullinG Kit, eliminAtor tm torch, electrodes (steel, stAinless, copper, Bronze, cAst iron, cuttinG rod, Aluminum, hArdfAcinG) I1 - I14 Brazing / Mig / tig electrodeS BrAzinG rods, (steel, cAst iron, stAinless, Aluminum, copper, Bronze), flux, miG/tiG electrodes (steel, stAinless, tunGsten, Aluminum, cAst iron), miG tips I15 - I19 Welding caBle / acceSSorieS WeldinG cABle & connectors, electrode holders, Ground clAmps, mArKers, hAmmers, pliers, clAmps, WorK-holdinG mAGnets, chemicAls (coAtinGs, heAt shield, nozzle dip) I27 - I34 Safety / Quick reference curtAins, BlAnKets, respirAtors, Gloves, helmets, filters, GoGGles, GlAsses, JAcKets, sleeve, Burn Kit, reference I35 - I42 Solder / torch-Brazing / tig acceSSorieS solder, pAste, flux & syrinGes, solder Gun, self-iGnitinG torches, cuttinG outfits & Accessories, oxy-Acetylene hose/repAir, flAshBAcK Arrestors, hAmmers, tiG torches & Accessories I20 - I26
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