information contained herein is confidential/trade secret information of tifco industries, inc. reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited. Hand / Power Tools sockeT seTs & accessories Socket SetS (1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 Drive, 6 & 12 Point, Hex Bit, imPact), ratcHetS, SocketS, inSulateD acceSSorieS, torque WrencHeS wrencHes WrencH SetS (GeareD, lockinG Flex, ratcHetinG, comBination, inSulateD, Joker, aDJuStaBle, PiPe, SPanner, cHain, StraP) sPecial PurPose Tools PullerS, Pry BarS, retrieverS, level, ScraPerS, HoSe clamP PlierS, viSeS, SaWS, SniPS, SHearS, tHermometerS, caliPerS, GauGeS, taPe meaSureS Power Tools / Boxes PoWer toolS (maGnetic DrillS, metal cuttinG SaWS, cHoP SaWS, BencH GrinDer), air toolS (racHetS, GrinDerS, cut-oFF SaWS, WrencHeS, DrillS), corDleSS (BatterieS, cHarGerS, imPact, DrillS, SaWS, GrinDerS), corDeD (DrillS, GrinDerS, SaWS), rotary toolS, tool carrierS/caSeS, mecHanicS SeatS Pliers / clamPs / magneTs PlierS (SliP Joint, DiaGonal, linemanS, neeDle noSe, enD cuttinG, aDJuStaBle, auto-GriP, retaininG rinG), multi-toolS, inSulateD toolS, lockinG PlierS, clamPS (automatic, SliDinG arm, toGGle, c-clamP) screwdrivers / Hex keys ScreWDriver SetS (PHilliPS, SlotteD, torx®, inSulateD, Select-a-Bit, ratcHet, miniature), Bit-SetS (imPact, StainleSS, BitorSion), inSert BitS, Bit HolDerS, Hex key SetS, nutDriverS mag-lok / Hammers / PuncHes / exTracTors maG-lock, SliDe SleDGe, HammerS (Ball Pein, SleDGe, DeaD BloW, mallet, claW, BraSS), PuncHeS, cHiSelS, numBer / letter StamP, extractorS (Bolt, ScreW, PiPe) J40 - J51 J52 - J61 J62 - J80 J28 - J39 J15 - J27 J1 - J8 J9 - J14
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