information contained herein is confidential/trade secret information of tifco industries, inc. reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited. Wire Brushes Wire Wheels, stem mounted Brushes, Cup Brushes, stringer Bead, maveriCk, roughneCk, tuBe Brushes, sCratCh Brushes Flap / GrindinG discs / Wheels grinding Wheels, Cutoff Wheels, diamond X Wheels, BenCh Wheels, CirCular saW Blades, unitized Wheels, trim- kut flap disCs, aBrasaCaps, spiral Bands, mounted points, flap Wheels, resin fiBer aBrasive sheets / discs / pads sanding/finishing disCs, surfaCe prep disCs, sanding sheets, shop rolls, Bristle disCs, non-Woven aBrasives (roloC, turBo-Charged, python, Cross Buffs, stars, hand pads) 3m CuBiron ii, green Corps, sCotChBrite Burrs / Files / saWs / Blades CarBide Burs, lathe tool Bits, hand files, metal Cutting saWs & Blades, reCiproCating saW Blades & sCrapers, JigsaW Blades, air saW Blades, haCksaW & Blades, BandsaWs, holesaWs taps / dies / extractors / end Mills dispenser sets, indeX sets, tap & die sets, taps (taper, plug, Bottoming, spiral point, gun, spiral fluted, duramaXX metriC, pipe), tap WrenChes, die stoCks, round dies, heX dies, ComBination drill & taps, thread repair, eXtraCtors, end mills cutters / reaMers, specialty drills CarBide hole Cutters, annular Cutters, mag drill, tempest masonry drills, Wood Bits, auger Bits, glass, CarBide tip, tile, reamers, Countersinks drill Bits tornado, frostBite tif-maXX, dynamo, duramaXX, tifalloy, CoBalt, general purpose, stuB length, eXtra length, left hand, numBered, lettered, metriC, s & d, douBle end, reduCed shank, Brad point, step drills cuttinG tools / aBrasives K1 - K12 K13 - K19 K20 - K29 K30 - K40 K62 - K67 K41 - K61 K68 - K71
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